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6 Top Tips on How to Make Your Website Successful

Making your website successful is one of the most important and prominent aims that business owners have when putting their site live. Having a successful website means there is a bigger potential for growth, clientele, and brand recognition and therefore there is an increased chance of your business thriving!

Below there will be 10 top tips on how to make your business successful. Even though these tips will not 100% guarantee that your website will increase your businesses income, recognition, or overall success…it will definitely help so take as much as you can on board and try it for yourself!

1. Ensure that your website load speed it as quick as possible.

Both your users and search engines, such as Google, love websites that load quickly. Maile Ohye, in a Google Webmaster video,  stated that “2 seconds is the threshold for e-commerce website acceptability. At Google, we aim for under a half second.” Through research, it is concluded that most users will abandon a web page if they have to wait longer than 6 seconds for a site to load. In-a-nutshell, it is recommended that your site should completely load in less than 4 seconds for minimal risk of losing potential clients/customers.

2. Your website needs to be protected from hackers.

Having security on your website is very important in order to protect yourself from hackers. The majority of hosts will do automatic backups for you (even though it is recommended that you keep an up-to-date back-up of your site offline as well) and you should always select carefully which host you would like to go with. Here at Hex Creatives, we can host your website and support your website throughout your progression as a business! Contact 01256 614 895 or email for more information regarding what maintenance plan we can offer your particular business.

3. Check grammar, spelling and wording.

It is a well known fact that very few people are tolerant of grammatical and spelling errors in pieces of writing…particularly on professional websites. Whether you find it unfair or not, users judge websites on spelling, grammar, and the quality of writing more than you realise. It is common that the correlation between your websites’ pieces of writing and your businesses services can have a massive impact on your business as a whole e.g. if your spelling is incorrect then people will have a negative mindset of your brand as a whole.

4. Your pages should only be as long as they need to be.

Writing for the web is completely different from writing for print e.g. a book or magazine. Users tend to skim read when reading content online, particularly on the first page and therefore you need to provide users quickly with the content they want to see. However, you still need to provide visitors with enough detail for those who want expansion on the basics. Even though it is difficult to find a balance, you need to find a way of not having too much content and not having too little detail.

5. Use appropriate colours.

Colour is one of the most important features of your website. It is recommended to be careful which colours you choose to use on your website as different colours mean different things to people. Web pages are international; whether you want your site to be seen by a particular country or locality it can still be seen by others. This means that you should be aware of what your colour decisions are saying to people across the world. Top tip: if you create a colour scheme, think symbolism!

6. Make sure that your links work.

Broken links are a big indication that a site is not well looked after. Unfortunately for business website owners, link rot is something that happens without even noticing. In order to prevent this from happening, it is recommended that you should use a HTML validator and a link checker to help you check older pages for broken links. Even if you have coded your links professionally, accurately, and correctly when your site went live, these particular links need to be updated to ensure that they are still valid.